Sunday, January 18, 2009

1.18.09 - a little less

On December 4, 2009, I signed up for Weight Watchers - again. I have been successful in the past on this program and just as unsuccessful when I stopped following the common sense eating patterns I established while following.

I have tried doing this on my own; on-line only; and the traditional meeting method. My biggest successes were achieved when I had to go to a meeting and step up on the scale and have someone else see my progress or lack thereof. With the promise of a $10 Dress Barn gift card and free registration, I decided I should join, before Christmas, before it could be considered a New Year's Resolution.

This was, and is, a journey for me, for my head, my body, my heart. I need the accountability of a meeting. I need to listen to the struggles and successes of the others taking their own similar journey. While each of us has our own path to walk. Our own goal in mind. Our own level of fitness, sound nutrition and weight to lose - we are all walking together.

I have been trying to make better choices and plan. That is the first part of my journey. I have done fairly well. I do not always plan wisely. However, when I fail to plan, I am making better choices given the options available. I've taken breakfast and lunch foods to work to have available when I run out the door in the morning because I am late and need to catch the last bus and don't have time to make something fresh to take with me.

I keep some frozen meals and treats to help me when I have to run around and don't have the time or take the time to make a nutritious filling meal in the evening.

I am tired of being 100+ lbs overweight. No matter other people can't believe I have that much to lose. I do. I just carry it well.

At my last weigh in, six weeks into this lifelong adventure, I had lost 13 lbs.

My slacks are feeling loose. I am amazed. I never thought 13 lbs would be enough of a loss to affect the feeling of my clothes. It does. And it is good!

I still have over 100 lbs to lose, but now I have 13 less of them!

My interim goal is to lose 50 lbs by my 50th Birthday on May 13th. 37 to go!

Until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I'm in the same boat as you, but don't know what I'll do about losing the weight. I like WW, but I hate the meetings (maybe online would be good for me). I was on MediFast once, the meal replacements are bad to horrible, but you lose weight really fast (13 lbs. in two weeks!).