Monday, January 19, 2009

1.19.09 - progress

I've made some progress on my planned activities for the four day weekend. I don't think I've progressed three days worth and tomorrow is day four. Ah, well, progress is progress!

I've done some knitting on Mom's sweater. Back is nearing completion.

Christmas decorations are all boxed up and ready to go back to the storage area. Half of the boxes made it downstairs today. The other half are awaiting the other son to venture down the stairs. Tomorrow, everyone is off - so they have no excuse!

Double batch of Garden Vegetable Soup - my zero point menu filler - was made yesterday. It is good, but I think it needs a little zing. I'll be experimenting with different veggies and different spices for the next batch.

Cookies were made for the boys and Mom (and a couple for me, still in my points range!).

Shopping for food accomplished, but will need repeating. The never ending process of keeping our bellies filled.

Five loads of laundry down. Two or three to go. Another never ending process. But I'll be good for a while.

Secret knitting commenced and will be completed tomorrow. I have made plans for easy crochet projects to take to Mom's appointments this week. Will be weaving in the ends of some HAP afghans during the Inauguration watching tomorrow.

Progress, not perfection, is the mantra of the day!

Until next time.

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