Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

A fabulous end to a fabulous day! Hope everyone celebrating Thanksgiving had a marvelous time!
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Sunday, November 08, 2009

Vanity, thy name is Kathleen

I started Weight Watchers in December 2008.  I was consistent and steady with it until my mother got very ill and I could no longer make the meetings.  December 2008 to May 2009, I lost 40 lbs.  I was determined to maintain that until I could get back on track.  Well, as of this morning, I had lost a little over 55 lbs.

I met up with some Ravelry friends in Annapolis and cropped myself out of the picture to compare me from last December to me today.  I have a neck!  Less of a chin!  I tried on four pairs of slacks that were too big before I found a pair that would do!

Go me!  :)

/end shameless self-promotion!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Finishing things, starting November

Today is the beginning of EST - we fell back in time.  Hope I found all the clocks that needed resetting!

It is also the beginning of November.  I need to begin a number of projects, so I took today to finish some things that needed some final touches.  This clears my plate so I can start some new ones!

I finished knitting my Forest Canopy Shawl in May. Today, I blocked it so I can finally use it!

And I finished a little gift for a wee little girl.  This is a Preemie Set - sized for 5 lb baby.  Just her size!

With these projects complete, I can begin present knitting -- and by 'present' I mean GIFT! 

My sons have each asked for a hat - with specifics.  One wants a grey hat with small ribbing throughout.  The other wants a navy hat with a yellow "7" in it.  They haven't wanted any  hand knits from me.  Since they now do, I will comply!

I purchased yarn in the appropriate colors, hopefully in the correct weight for the style they want, plus an additional skein in Oyster.  I started the Oyster one as a test knit.  I want to be sure I get the right size, drape, texture before I begin the actual gift hats.  I figured if I goofed up on the size with this one, I could donate it or have it on hand as a ready-made gift in case we have a surprise guest at Christmas.  The boys have been known to spring a single guy with no place to go on me at Christmas.  If you are a guest in my home, you get a gift.  It will be nice to have something available to wrap rather than figuring something out at the last minute!

Until next time.