Thursday, July 31, 2008

August is almost here...

SP12 Question 8 is a toughy for me.

What is your favorite supper for a hot summer evening?

I tend not to eat much in the way of supper when it is hot and miserable. So, I have a hard time saying what my favorite would be. I'm thinking anything made by someone else would be my first choice!


Cindy said...

How about my personal favorite? Eating out

sheep#100 said...

Ice cream?

Super Secret Knitting Pal said...

Excellent's always better when someone else cooks.

Sorry your book hasn't arrived yet...I did send it book hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm - salad of some kind? Shrimp or seafood salad? or even fruit salad (one of my absolute summertime favorites) with some cheese - a nice, sharp cheddar, for example - to nibble on alongside.

Oh - and iced coffee!

gemma said...

Fresh fruit. Or as you say, someone else's cooking. cheers,