Sunday, May 05, 2013

Week 1 wrap-up

Progress will be slow and steady.

Week 1 results:

May 4, 2013  weigh in

Height: 5'8"
Weight:  246 lbs

Loss of 3 lbs

Plan Results:

Food:  Green Juicing 4 of 7 days, No protein smoothies this week, though I did buy the supplies.  I successfully limited wheat by reducing sandwiches and will continue in that vein.  Reduced sugar by avoiding the sweet treats I keep in hand for the other residents of the house.  Definitely ate more vegetables, but had a little too much ground beef.  Need to up the fish and chicken meal plan!

Exercise:  Walking is to start in Week 3, but this week I started more exercising by spending 3 hours  in the yard.  Activities included weed whacking, cutting down small trees and fallen branches, raking, picking up and disposing of debris.  There was a lot of bending and lifting and perspiring, even though it was a coolish day.  This week includes more of that, plus leaf scooping from the pool cover and pool to get ready for water delivery and pool opening.  Also on the agenda will be some intensive house cleaning.  Company is coming at the end of May and the house needs a bit of work.

Goals progress:
Goals throughout the journey:

1.  Report weekly progress  Check!
2.  Find some great recipes to tease my palate - found a few, but haven't made them yet.
3.  Try one new vegetable or spice each week - Not sure about this one, but definitely was hitting 'normal' this week.  Oh, except for the mint in the vitamin water!

Weekly goals:

Weeks 1-2: Juice 5 of 7 days each week, gradually reduce Caffeine Free Diet Coke intake while adding water as a replacement until reaching 1 per day.  Eliminate sandwiches to reduce carbs and sugars. 

Progress was made on the weekly goal.  As I said above, juicing 4 out of 7 days.  I have reduced the CF Diet Coke a bit and have added up to 1/2 gallon of vitamin water a day.  Current recipe:  Lemon, cucumber and mint.  I have ingredients on hand  to try strawberry, blueberry and lemon.

I cut back on lunch sandwiches, opting for salads with protein (tuna or chicken) on 6 of 7 days.  Turkey sandwich, with one slice of wheat bread on the 7th.

On my way and feeling successful!  Craving a sweet cake and ignoring that craving!  ;)

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