(Please note: no one named Billy was harmed or involved in this post... just an old giggly phrase from childhood)I needed a bit of the silly this weekend and jumped back on the Dragon Cave bandwagon. There was a
thread on the
Completely Pointless and Arbitrary Group Group (CPaAGG for short) about Saving Eggs. There is now a
Dragon Cave group as well! (All are Ravelry links in this paragraph)
By stealing (though I prefer the 'adoption) angle) at cave entrances, and having others click and view your eggs, then hatchlings, you develop a scroll filled with eggs, hatchlings and dragons. Some are darned cute.
About a week ago, I developed a scroll, stole (adopted!) four eggs and commenced the clicking... but decided it was too silly and abandoned all the eggs to be adopted by others and have just been clicking and viewing others scrolls, eggs and hatchlings.
Well, I needed a dose of silly for the weekend and went in and adopted four more. One needs more views and clicks than the others,
but it is starting to crack, so I have hope for a hatchling soon! :)
Help me be silly and
click my scroll then view my eggs! Thanks.
Oh, and you can be silly yourself and start your own scroll and commence the growing of dragons! :)