Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Big Five Oh

That's me today - the big 5-0! :)

Fifty years ago today a little girl was born to two lovely folks in Philadelphia, PA. She was the second born and made her presence known a whole month early. Weighing in at 7 lbs, she was pretty big for a 'preemie'!

She's still pretty big, but she's losing it. The goal of 50 by 50 was not quite met. Perhaps it is 40 by 50, the weigh in is Thursday. The rest will come off as it should and as time goes by, and all will be well in that department.

Mom's health is not the best, so there will be no big shindig for this 5-0, unless plans are afoot of which I am unaware. At least, I have made no plans -- for now. I have been told I should celebrate! I'm really not much on celebrations. At least not celebrations that center on ME. If I do decide to commemorate this auspicious milestone, it will be later in the summer, when Mom's chemotherapy has ended and with the hope the weather might be more cooperative for a pool party/picnic/cookout in July or August.

Have a great day! That's my plan!

Until next time.


Knit Witch said...


Ev said...

Happy Birthday, Kathleen! Celebrate in your own way, be good to yourself. You do deserve it.

I hope all goes well with your mom. My best to both of you!


gemma said...

Happy Birthday Kathleen,
You were a great pal for ISE and I use your gifts most days.

Hope you have a fabulous day.

Wendy said...

Happy Belated Birthday......
SO sorry I missed the day.....
Hope you had a wonderful relaxing day...

Enid said...

belated felicitations, Kathleen.
hope your weekend was good