Monday, June 27, 2011

Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on...

brah!... Lala how the life goes on... (with special thanks to the Beatles!)

And on it does go.  I will soon be introducing a new blog featuring my Mom and our journey together through her ups and downs and the changing world brought on by her breast cancer and Alzheimer's Disease.  I hope to chronicle the journey so others can find the joy of living, loving and care giving as well as the sadness and trials presented by these diseases.  I hope to provide informative links, stories that might help, encourage you or at least make you smile.  Watch for an announcement and a link that will appear in the sidebar.

Now, what life has been bringing me... 

I sent off the elephants I posted in my last missive.  They were well received.  I am working on a few more to send somewhere else and on one for my young cousin.  She helped knit the lightest color one in the pictures and really liked it.  She wanted to keep it, but I told her it was destined for a child with no toys.  Promised her one of her own and continuing knitting lessons if she (and her Mom!) wants them.

Stocked up on food and goodies for a family visit.  My aunt is up visiting her big sister, Mom, for a week.  We are eating well!  Aunt heads back to sunny FL on Saturday and we'll be back to just me, Mom and cousin for a while, until mid-July, when a male is thrown back in the mix (younger son is away until mid-July and he'll be back).  Cousin noted the other day - "Isn't it funny?  You used to live with three boys (note: my husband and two sons) and now you are surrounded by three girls (mom, her and her mom!)"  God does have a sense of humor and a great sense of timing.  I can handle the girls now they are grown.  I'm not sure I could have done that 20 years ago from birth to adulthood!

I was going to add something else here... but my mind has wandered. 

Hope to see you around the new blog when it launches... and, of course, here when I remember to write!



Cindy said...

You sound good and from one who has endured the dementia/aging thing, too, I have to say I came away richer from it. Plus, I was able to care for and love my mother until the end of her days here.

Kathleen said...

That's what I plan to do as well. I hope it works out that way! People don't believe me when I say I'm fine, I'm doing well... they seem to be looking for my collapse into craziness. Apparently, they don't know me very well! ;)