Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring is sproinging!

This winter has been pretty intense.  Our area has had record setting snow falls and low temperatures.  As we've been moving out of the winter weather, we've had rain and fog and cooler temps, with occasional warm bursts.

This weekend, Spring is upon us and she brings the SPRING WEATHER!  Yippee!  I'll be able to go out and clean up debris that has been covered in snow and wet for too long.  I'll be able to till the garden area and cut back the snow-broken branches and get ready for the new season to take it's rightful place.

Let me catch you up on my doings for the past few weeks...

I finished my Olympic Sock event socks:

I took a knitting break and have been crocheting little hats for several causes.  I completed and sent off four for preemies at a NICU hospital.  I have finished three for full-term babies, with a few more days to go before I send them off.  Here's a sample (I keep forgetting to take pictures of things before I mail them off so there are only two in the picture - but the pattern is essentially the same for all.  The size and turned-up brim are all that change!): 

Tomorrow is my Mother's 74th birthday.  She celebrated by falling - again!  Luckily, she is just bruised and stiff - no apparent breaks or tears.  Last year, she celebrated birthday number 73 with a fractured tibia!  I told her she should break this habit of falling for her birthday!

She was supposed to go for her 6th month mammogram check today.  I've rescheduled for April 2nd.  While there are no breaks or tears, sitting in the car for an hour each way AND having a diagnostic mammogram are things that would tax her system too much today.

We are also supposed to go to the club for a dinner event tomorrow night - 150 Club - dinner and a chance for mom to win $1500.  Looks like that will be a no-go for a reason similar to the canceled Mammo - an hour ride each way.   We're playing it by ear.  Mom doesn't get out and socialize much.  She hasn't had the desire for a while, but she was looking forward to this event.

Enjoy your Friday, my friends.  Hope the weather treats you kindly on this first weekend of Spring!


sheep#100 said...

And there I thought I was the only one with the lack of coordination necessary to fall and to break something on my birthday.

Happy recovery, mom!

This Eclectic Life said...

Yes, your Momma should try breaking the habit! Glad she didn't break a bone. Happy birthday to her. Our first day of spring we are expecting snow! This is NOT supposed to happen in Texas. Good thing I did some yard cleaning today.
Have a great weekend!